IRS Authorized 1099-NEC E-File Provider

Create Fillable, Printable 1099-NEC Forms Online for the 2021 Tax Year

  • Fill, E-file, Download or
    Print Forms
  • Quick & Secure online filing
  • Instant filing status
  • Postal mail recipient copies
Create Form 1099-NEC Now

Pricing starts as low as $2.75/form

Simplify Your Form 1099-NEC Online Filing with ExpressEfile!

Instant Filing Status

Instant Filing Status

Get instant email notifications when the IRS processes your return. You may also check the status from your account Dashboard.

Form Validation

Form Validation

Our software runs an internal audit so you can catch and correct mistakes that could lead to penalties and IRS rejection.

Postal Mailing

Mail Recipient Copies

When you select the postal mailing option, our team sends copies to all your recipients on your behalf.

Form W-3

Lowest Price

Save your business money with the industry’s most affordable Form 1099-NEC filing option.

Create Form 1099-NEC Now

Why should you choose ExpressEfile to Create Form 1099-NEC

Get best benefits through the top-notch features when you choose ExpressEfile to create Form 1099-NEC.

Generate 2019 1099-MISC Forms

Generate unlimited 1099 Forms

Dashboard to Organize 1099-MISC Forms

Easy-to-use Dashboard

e-File 2019 1099-MISC Forms

Lowest Price for E-filing

Edit 2019 1099-MISC Forms

Instant Filing Status

Download and Print 1099-MISC Forms

Download and Print Copies

Print and Mail 2019 1099-MISC Forms

Mail Recipient Copiess

What is Form 1099-NEC?

Businesses use Form 1099-NEC to report payments of $600 or more as compensation to independent contractors or nonemployees. Previously, nonemployee compensation was reported using Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC, but the IRS has recently removed that option.

Here are some payments that should be reported on Form 1099-NEC.

  • Fees
  • Commissions
  • Prizes and awards
  • Other forms of compensation for service

When is Form 1099-NEC due?

Payers need to file Form 1099-NEC and send copies to their recipients by January 31, 2021. This 1099-NEC deadline applies to both paper and electronic filing.

How to complete Form 1099-NEC using ExpressEfile

Complete and transmit your Form 1099-NEC in just a few steps.

  • Step 1: Fill out Form 1099-NEC Information

    Select Form 1099-NEC and enter all the required information. Our software will walk you through your return with helpful prompts.

    Fill out Form 1099-NEC Information
  • Step 2: Review Form 1099-NEC

    ExpressEfile runs an internal audit, checking all your information for mistakes and discrepancies. You’ll be able to confirm your information and correct errors easily.

    Review Form 1099-NEC
  • Step 3: Transmit Form 1099-NEC to the IRS

    After reviewing the forms, transmit them directly to the IRS. You will receive an email once the IRS processes
    your forms.

    Transmit Form 1099-NEC to the IRS

What is the penalty for not filing Form 1099-NEC?

Form 1099-NEC penalties increase over time. The amount you owe the IRS depends on how long it takes you to file correctly for your business.

If you file Form 1099-NEC

  • Within 30 days after the deadline: $50 per information return
  • More than 30 days after the deadline, but before August 1: $110 per information return
  • After August 1 : $270 per information return
Create Form 1099-NEC Now

Frequently Asked Questions on Form 1099-NEC

What information do I need to file Form 1099-NEC?

When you file Form 1099-NEC, you’ll need the following information to complete
your return:

  • Payer Details: Name, TIN, and Address
  • Recipient Details: Name, SSN/TIN, and Address
  • Nonemployee compensation
  • Federal income tax withheld
  • State Filing Details: State Income, Payer State Number, and State Tax Withheld

Is anyone exempt from filing Form 1099-NEC?

Yes, here are some scenarios where you are not required to file Form 1099-NEC:

  • If you paid a C or S corporation
  • If your payment was for merchandise, telegrams, telephone, freight, storage, or similar items
  • If you made a payment to a tax-exempt organization

Create Printable and Fillable Form 1099-NEC for 2021
Tax Year